Tuesday, July 23, 2019

                                                    Krishna and Odin         
                                                  by Wayne W Hansen

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: "It is concluded by Lord Brahma himself that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. No one is equal to or above Him. He is the supreme cause of all causes. In the Bhagavatam there is a list of many incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but Krishna is described as the original Personality of Godhead, from whom many, many, incarnations and Personalities of Godhead expand." (Bhagavad-gita As It Is) (Bg p74)

Odin is the Personality of Godhead and one of the incarnations of Creator. Odin was the name of God for the ancient Scandinavian people and he is called the Norse God.  

Swami: "The Lord comes Himself in different incarnations to reclaim the conditioned souls." (Bg p16)

And Odin the Norse God is one of these incarnations.

Swami: "This material world has been approximated as only one quarter of the creation. In this material segment there are millions of universes. Most of the creation is in the spiritual sky." (Bg p22)

The ancient India teaching is that Creator appears in a white body one-fourth of the time. If there are millions of material universes and if the Supreme Person incarnates on many earth type of worlds, that could mean that Odin is a very popular appearance of Creator.

Lord Brahma: "I worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, who is always situated in various incarnations such as Rama, Nrsimha, and many sub-incarnations as well, but who is the original Personality of Godhead known as Krishna, and who incarnates personally also." (Bg p220)

The Creator likes to be many people at the same time, including the incarnation of the Lord Odin.

Krishna: "Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form." (Bg p222)

Odin is the handsome nordic God who appears in his original eternal body to teach the absolute truth.

Krishna: "Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, and a rise in irreligion, I descend Myself." (Bg p224)

Odin descends from the spiritual world to help the nordic-germanic people with religion.

Krishna: "In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium." (Bg p226)

Lord Odin arrives on an earth world to conquer the demons and to advance odinism which helps people to gain entrance to the spiritual world and end reincarnation. Odin reestablishes the principles of religion, one of which is to separate the races. When the races are separated each race makes their tribal religions, religions that are made for their race and nation.

Swami: "The Lord says that He incarnates Himself in every millennium. This indicates that He incarnates also in the age of Kali. The incarnation in the age of Kali is Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who spread the worship of Krishna by congregational chanting of the holy names. Lord Chaitanya is the incarnation of Krishna." (Bg p227)

Lord Chaitanya made this mantra popular in India five hundreds of years ago: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare; Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. [Ha rae' Rom' a] 

"My dear King, this word Krishna is so auspicious that anyone who chants this holy name immediately gets rid of sinful activities from many, many births." (Vishnu-dharma)

It is very rare to see people singing the Hare Krishna mantra and dancing in the street with love of God. We can learn from the devotees about making spiritual music. We can chant the holy names of Odin and Frigga to make spiritual progress.

Krishna: "He whose mind is fixed on My personal form, always engaged in worshiping Me with great transcendental faith, is considered by Me to be most perfect." (Bg p597)

One reason krishnaism is very popular in India is because the Asian Indians see Krishna, Vishnu, and Chaitanya, as their racial Gods. Odin is the racial God for nordic-white people. We are the Scandinavian, Anglo Saxon, and Germanic people.

Swami: "Krishna clearly says that he who concentrates upon His personal form, and who worships Him with faith and devotion, is considered most perfect in yoga." (Bg p597)

Let's worship the form of our nordic Creator, Odin. Let's concentrate on the forms of Odin and Frigga with devotion.

Swami: "Our Krishna consciousness movement is genuine, historically authorized, natural, and transcendental, due to its being based on Bhagavad-gita As It Is." (Bg x1)

After the worldwide mud flood event of 1812 history was destroyed and rewritten. Fortunately India protected their scripture books. Odinism is the natural religion for nordic people as our religion is race based and nature based. Odinism is transcendental as Odin is transcendental, supernatural and spiritual.

Swami: "It is gradually becoming the most popular movement in the entire world, especially among the younger generation." (Bg x1)

After Swami died most of the white members left the temple he started. Odinism gives white people a chance at spiritual life with the racial religion that we need.

Swami: "Some of them said that it is greatly fortunate for the Americans that I have started the Krishna consciousness movement in America. But actually the original father of this movement is Lord Krishna Himself, since it was started a very long time ago but is coming down to human society by disciplic succession." (Bg x1)

Odinism corrects the thinking of nordic germanic people from being racially conquered to having our own countries, like the hindus have their own racial country in India. The original father of this movement is Lord Odin himself. 

Swami: "The Krishna consciousness movement is essential in human society for it offers the highest perfection of life." (Bg x2)

Odinism is essential in germanic countries as it also offers the highest perfection of life. The goal is to go back to the spiritual world where Odin and Frigga live and receive an eternal spiritual body.

Swami: "Everyone should know how God or Krishna is great, and everyone should know the factual position of the living entities." (Bg x3)

Look at how good looking nordic people are, how talented our race is, and how we build advanced societies. We came from Creator Odin. Our natural position is to serve our Creator. We are personalists seeing Creator as the person Odin.

Swami: "By the grace of the Supreme Lord, Arjuna has understood that the Supreme Truth is Krishna and that He is the perfect one." (Bg p512)

By the grace of Lord Odin we are learning the spiritual truth that is best for nordic people. Odin can also be called the Supreme Truth.

Swami: "The purpose of Bhagavad-gita is to deliver mankind from material existence." (Bg p6)

The purpose of odinism is to deliver us from material existence. We do not want to reincarnate again down here and be a baby again. We need to qualify ourselves spiritually to be rescued and delivered to the higher world.

Swami: "Those who begin to question why they are suffering, where they came from, and where they shall go after death, are proper students for understanding Bhagavad-gita." (Bg p6)

The students of odinism learn that we are suffering in the material world because our soul wanted to leave the spiritual world and come here. We realize our mistake and now we take to spiritual life the best we can. When we help the odinist temple and our nordic race we are also helping ourselves make spiritual progress. We keep advancing in spiritual life on earth worlds, heavenly worlds, and then to the spiritual world. 

There is also a dimension from where the demons rule this world. That is why this Earth is so awful. The demons have directed energy weapons that can burn houses to the ground. They can aim this at humans like a death ray. They create hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. They can possess a driver and car and make it drive in the opposite lane. There is a video of a TV news reporter malfunctioning and making clicking noises; so they can make robots that look human. They can derail a freight train causing a large fire. So that is the kind of world we live on. All is recorded on the akashic computer records and there will be justice sooner or later. 

Krishna: "That abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. One who reaches it never returns to this material world." (Bg p700)

We want to go back to the spiritual world, to Odin's world. This will end reincarnation for us and we will never return to the material universe.

Swami: "When a living entity gives up this material embodiment and enters into the spiritual world, he revives his spiritual body." (Bg p703)

Living in a material body like this is an embarrassment for the soul. The devotees and temples wake us up spiritually. Some of us have had spiritual light sent to us. This makes us want to take to spiritual life full time. If we could live in a farm community and serve the Odin temple for maybe fourty years we can end reincarnation down here and get a higher birth than this. We keep on advancing in the material universe until we get an eternal spiritual body.

Swami: "Due to the contamination of matter, the perfect living entity falls down, but this process of Krishna consciousness will again make him perfect. Through it, he can become truly happy, and after leaving the material body, enter into the kingdom where there is eternal life, bliss, and full knowledge." (On The Way To Krishna) (p79)

The more materialism an odinist receives the more difficult it is for spiritual life. But living in an all-nordic, hetero, odinist farm, would make spiritual life easy. Practicing odinism will make us perfect and someday we will leave this material universe and enter the Kingdom of Odin in the spiritual world. There we will experience eternity, knowledge, and bliss.

Swami: "Hearing Bhagavad-gita from the realized person will turn one to the thought of the Supreme Being. This will lead to remembering the Supreme Lord, and will enable one, upon leaving the body, to attain a spiritual body, which is just fit for association with the Supreme Lord." (Bg p26)

Hearing the scriptures of Odin from a devotee of Odin will get us thinking of the Supreme Being in his Viking King form. Imagine a royal theater in an all-nordic farm community with a viking ship on stage. Imagine devotees of Odin singing and acting. Imagine an orchestra in the pit and lady chorus dancers are on stage promoting our race and religion. We could have had all of this but the nordic millionaires did nothing for their race. 

Swami: "Without worshiping the archa-vigraha, the form or Deity of the Lord, one cannot understand such literature as Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam." (The Nectar Of Devotion) (p286)

The Krishna temples have beautiful statues of Krishna and Radharani. When they are installed with devotion on the altar, the statues become Deities. Creator has a spirit-energy that can be inside the altar Deities looking out at the people in the temple room letting everyone make spiritual progress. We can make nordic temples with statues of Odin and Frigga sitting on their thrones. With love and devotion from us, Creator can reside inside with his spirit-energy called archa-vigraha, and the statues will be called the Deities of Odin and Frigga. We can worship the Odin and Frigga Deities in the temple: to decorate the statues, dance, bow, sing, chant, pray, offer food, candles, incense, flowers, look at the Deities with great devotion, remember them, and meditate upon them. This will help us go back to the Kingdom of Odin.

Brahma: "Anyone who puts on his neck the flower garland which was formally used by Krishna becomes relieved from all disease and reactions to sinful activities." (TNOD p75)

Devotees of Frigga can make flower garlands and put this around the neck of her Deity form. Later these flowers are distributed to the people in the Odin temple. When we receive and smell the flowers we make spiritual progress. The combination of offered flowers, incense, flame, and food, makes the temple room smell good and spiritual.

Swami: "In India the temples are just like royal palaces. The worship of Krishna should be performed in just the way that a king is worshiped in his palace." (TNOD p78)

We can make beautiful palace-temples for Odin and Frigga. We see the divine couple as our Viking King and Viking Queen sitting on their thrones.

Swami: "One must always practice concentrating the mind on the form of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, or on the sound of His name." (Bg p27)

We will make beautiful statues, Deities, and pictures, of Odin and Frigga, so we can concentrate on seeing the Supreme Couple. We will make beautiful music about Odin and Frigga so we can hear their holy names.

Swami: "When He wants to be attracted by a woman He has to create such a woman from His own energy. That woman is Radharani. When one is attracted by the transcendental beauty of Radha and Krishna he is no longer attracted by material feminine beauty. That is the special significance of Radha-Krishna worship." (SB 3/31/38)

Odin is only attracted to Frigga. They are the Divine Couple, the Eternal Couple. They are the Two Personalities of Godhead Couple. Odin-Frigga worship is devotional service for eternity, knowledge, and bliss.  

Swami: "The Lord takes all responsibility for one who surrenders unto Him." (Bg p28)

When we surrender to Odin he takes away our sins and we have better lives. Odin cares about his devotees. We enjoy studying nordic odinism and we enjoy spiritual life.

Krishna: "Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings, nor in the future shall any of us cease to be." (Bg p86).

Our very small eternal soul needs a body. Now we serve Creator in a physical body on Earth which is one of the most difficult places to be. We might graduate and incarnate in an advanced physical body in fourth dimension. In that flat-earth-dome there are no demons controlling the world and we will use one hundred percent of our brain. So that will be a much higher birth than what we have now. We will be able to make pro-nordic art, pro-nordic religions, and pro-nordic parties, something that is difficult to do on this Earth.   

Swami: "The material creation by Lord Vishnu is a chance offered to the conditioned souls to come back home, back to Godhead." (Bg p172)

We are conditioned souls restricted to reincarnation on low material worlds like Earth, until we take to spiritual life. We should take advantage of the opportunity we have to become devotees of Odin and Frigga and advance as much as we can. What we do this life determines the next body we get. 

Swami: "In this age of Kali the chanting of the names of God is recommended by the Vedic scriptures, and this transcendental system was introduced by Lord Chaitanya for the deliverance of all men in this age." (Bg p172)

Imagine a chorus of odinist singers singing the holy names of Odin and Frigga in beautiful songs.

Swami: "The demigods are empowered administrators of material affairs. The demigods are authorized supplying agents on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vishnu." (Bg p173-175)

The demigods of the universe are spiritually empowered by Creator to help create and manage this material universe.

Swami: "The Supreme Personality of Godhead expanded Himself into many, for His ever-increasing spiritual bliss, and the living entities are parts and parcels of this spiritual bliss." (Bg p204)

This one sentence defeats the lightworkers who teach that God is Source but not a person. Just as we are persons seeking eternal spiritual bliss, Creator is a person increasing spiritual bliss by being many Gods at the same time. Odin is one of these Gods.

Swami: "The expansions of Lord Krishna who come to the material creation are called avataras or incarnations. Avatara means one who descends from the higher spiritual sky. In the Satya Yuga the color of the principal incarnation is white." (Teachings of Lord Chaitanya p73 and p77)

Odin is the white avatara from Creator.

Krishna: "One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode." (Bg p228)

Here we learn the importance of the appearance of Creator in the material world. He is giving us the opportunity to end reincarnation and advance to the spiritual world. 

Swami: "In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that the Lord has many, many forms and incarnations. Although there are many transcendental forms of the Lord, they are still one and the same Supreme Personality of Godhead. (Bg p228)

Now the nordic people are learning how important Odin is to us. Odin is from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 

"The one Supreme Personality of Godhead is eternally engaged in many, many transcendental forms in relationships with His devotees." (Vedas) (Bg p228)

We can start building our relationship with Odin and Frigga now.

Swami: "Each and every avatara, or incarnation of the Lord, has a particular mission, and they are all described in revealed scriptures. No one should be accepted as an avatara unless he is referred to by scriptures." (Bg p225)

Odin is the name of God for nordic people. One-fourth of the time Creator appears as a white man. Now we have our racial God to serve and his name is Odin. The scriptures about him can be on other worlds.

Swami: "In each incarnation He speaks as much about religion as can be understood by the people. But the mission is the same -- to lead people to God consciousness and obedience to the principles of religion. Sometimes He descends personally, and sometimes He sends His representative in the form of His servant, or Himself in some disguised form." (Bg p225)

There are many pictures of Odin the Wanderer of him wearing a large hat, beard, robe, and holding a staff. We can see this as the disguised form of Creator. Odin teaches us to follow the principles of nordic religion. Following anti-nordic religions destroys our minds, our race, and our homeland.

Swami: "The Supreme Transcendental Truth is Lord Krishna. The whole Bhagavad-gita centers around the declaration of Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead." (Bg p291)

The transcendental truth comes from Lord Odin who is the Personality of Godhead in the spiritual sky, and also on worlds in the material sky.  

Swami: "The sufferings of humanity are due to forgetfulness of Krishna as the supreme enjoyer, the supreme proprietor, and the supreme friend. A Krishna conscious person has no doubt about the supremacy of Krishna." (Bg p300)

The nordic people are suffering because demons and foreign races have taken control of nordic countries. They have been allowed to do this because we were forgetful of our nordic Creator Odin. An odinist has no doubt about the supremacy of Odin.

Swami: "Krishna consciousness means to be always engaged in transcendental loving service of the Lord." (Bg p318)

Nordic odinism is about devotional service to Lord Odin and to experience love of God. It feels spiritual when we do work for an Odin temple. Working at your job, house, or on your car, is boring compaired to working for a spiritual temple. We should have fun all day at our jobs with odinists doing kitchen work, firewood, garden, field, construction, maintenance, greenhouses, housing for visitors, and many other jobs on the farm. Then after a days work we have a meal with a thousand other odinists who are making history and making a farm community. The food was offered to Odin and Frigga on the altar in the temple so the food is spiritualized and called Odin prasadam. We make spiritual progress associating with the devotees in the cafeteria. Then we go to the temple room and smell the offered incense, flame, and flowers, and make more spiritual progress. Then we go the the theater for world news, temple news, and to see the show for this evening. Then we walk to the ballroom and there is dance with devotional odinist music and we make more spiritual progress. So the whole day was devotional service to Creator. Now we do this everyday for one lifetime and then we graduate from this very low third dimension and never have to do this low birth again.

Swami: "A Krishna conscious person cannot bear to pass a minute of his life without being engaged in the service of the Lord." (Bg p326)

On the nordic odinism farm communities of the future there will be so much work to do that the members will not want to waste one minute without being engaged in devotional service. Friday night hundreds of European, hetero, white people will come to visit for the weekend, paying for bunk beds and theater tickets. Our members will be performing in odinist musicals in the theater, and there will be dancing in the ballroom.

I see Odin and Frigga as the Emperor and Empress of the nordic race of people on this flat-earth-dome and on many other worlds where nordic people live. Odin is our Allfather and Frigga is our Allmother and someday we will see them on the first throne of the nordic race. When we see them we will never be the same; we will never be a materialist or an anti-nordic person again.

"No one can understand Krishna by the material senses. But He reveals Himself to the devotees, being pleased with them for their transcendental loving service unto Him." (Padma Purana) (Bg p366)

Here we learn how important loving devotional service is to Creator. When Odin is pleased with our spiritual service he reveals himself to the devotees. When Odin is not pleased with our service he does not reveal himself to us. Then people read the myth books from Iceland and think Odin is like that, and they make ugly pictures of him. The purpose was to infiltrate odinism and destroy odinism from within.  

Krishna: "After many births and deaths, he who is in knowledge surrenders unto Me. Such a great soul is very rare." (Bg p390)

After many births and deaths we have advanced enough to get a good nordic body this time. We take advantage of this higher birth and become odinists to serve nordic Creator and our nordic race. Now we have the opportunity of a hundred lifetimes to graduate from this low third dimension reincarnation program. If we fail to advance from Earth school we get left back and we have to come out as a baby again, and forget everything that we have learned. We will suffer birth, disease, old age, and death again. Odin is calling us to advance from this low world.

Swami: "Krishna is the source of all avataras, and all the different features of the different avataras are present in Krishna. When He appears in different incarnations he appears in different colors." (SB 10.8.13)

Odin is an avatara as important as Vishnu, Chaitainya, and Krishna. Experts in krishnaism would say that Krishna is the source of all avataras. This proves my point. The Source Person and the Avatara Persons are the same Person in different bodies. Now we are inspired to make temples of the nordic-white appearance of Creator whose name is Odin.

Swami: "The creation, maintenance, and annihilation of this material manifestation is completely dependent on the supreme will of the Personality of Godhead. It is done by His will: Although I am one, I shall become many." (Bg p455)

This article promotes the Viking King appearence of Creator, the Allfather of the nordic people, the greatest spiritual nordic man of our race.

Krishna: "Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be." Swami: "It is a great offense to consider Krishna to be an ordinary man. They cannot understand the eternal form of Krishna." (Bg p459 p463)

Since we are using the name Odin as the name of God, it is also a spiritual offense to criticize the Creator who incarnates as Odin. Look what they have done to our religion. They show him with one eye, hanging on a rope, and looking awful, instead of a handsome nordic man with his beautiful wife Frigga.

Swami: "Pure devotees are not even attracted by Krishna's other features, such as the four-armed Maha-Vishnu. They are simply attracted by the two-armed form of Krishna." (Bg p464)

We are mostly attracted to the Viking King incarnation of Creator and we want to become pure devotees of Odin. We are also attracted to the nordic germanic race of people which is the most valuable thing on Earth for us. The more we become pure devotees the more Odin and Frigga can help us.

Swami: "Lord Chaitanya said that a man is famous when he is known as a great devotee. That is real fame." (Bg p500)

The famous materialists of Earth get left back in third dimension. Their souls go to the astral-spirit world for some years and then they become babies again. We want to be famous devotees of Odin, not famous materialists. We don't want to go Hollywood and promote intoxicants and materialism to the world. We want to go to the Odin theater and promote spiritual life to the people. 

Swami: "The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, is the original forefather of all forefathers (Bg p502)

Odin is the Supreme Forefather and Frigga is the Supreme Foremother of the germanic people in the spiritual and material universes. Let's make our odinist temple farm communities in every country where nordic people live and unite our great race. We want our nordic race to be spiritually and racially successful.

Swami: "The personalist devotee engages himself with all energy in the service of the Supreme Lord. (Bg. p596)

We are also personalist devotees. Devotional engagement in odinism is: hearing about Odin, chanting about Odin, remembering Odin, worshiping Odin, serving Odin, prayers to Odin, following Odin, and making friends with him.

Swami: "Happiness derived from pure devotional service is the highest, because it is eternal." (TNOD p10)

Happiness that comes from devotional service to Odin and Frigga is the greatest because it is eternal. It is the nature of the soul to want to serve the God of all souls.

Swami: "People who are not in devotional service can never understand what great value there is in rendering service to the Lord." (TNOD p.17)

Serving Odin in a great temple makes us feel spiritually good. Doing altar service or sweeping the temple floor is direct devotional service. Performing art should be for God, race, and farm community, and this is devotional service. Commercial performing art and professional entertainment is just a day job compaired to devotional service performing art in a theater-temple.

Swami: "The attraction for Krishna consciousness in association with pure devotees is the sign of great fortune." (TNOD p29)

We consider ourselves fortunate to come in contact with great devotees of Odin. Then we naturally become attracted to Odin personally. Just going inside a great temple of Odin and Frigga produces the desired effect for the soul. Now we change our lives from materialism to spiritualism. Spiritual life is more satisfying than material life. Life is more enjoyable in the association of devotees of Odin. 

Swami: "Spiritual knowledge is very difficult to achieve, so the Supreme Lord Himself comes in His original form as Shree Krishna and gives His instruction directly to an associate like Arjuna." (TNOD p41)

Great devotees of Odin are so loyal to him that do not want to do any material activity outside of devotional service to him. Odin devotees have taken shelter in the temple, in the farm community, and they are given everything they need. Odinists understand how difficult it is to achieve spiritual knowledge and how rare it is to be able to associate with pure devotees of Odin. This is when rapid spiritual progress is made. This is when the greatest performing art can be made.

Swami: "A devotee who is attached to a particular form of the Lord does not wish to redirect his devotion to other forms. That is due to the specific attraction of a particular devotee." (TNOD p46)

We are attached racially to Odin and Frigga. We are attracted spiritually to Odin and Frigga. We worship Odin and Frigga from our heart and soul. We do devotional service work for Odin and Frigga. We chant Odin and Frigga, the holy names of God and Goddess.

Swami: "The importance of dancing before the Deity is stated by Lord Krishna as follows: "A person who is in a jubilant spirit, who feels devotional ecstasy while dancing before Me, can burn away all sinful reactions he has stocked up for many thousands of years."" (TNOD p75)

We can make ballrooms, rotundas, and dance arenas, to make music and dance to please Odin and Frigga. We can make nordic tribal dancing which will help to unite our people.

"Persons who go to see the Deities of Vishnu in the temple will surely get relief from entering again into the prison house of a mother's womb." (Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya). Swami: "One is advised to visit a temple of Vishnu with devotional consciousness. Then one can very easily get out of the miserable condition of material birth." (TNOD p76)

After death many souls are carried by their subtle body to the astral-spirit world where they wait for a body on Earth again. But the scripture calls being in a womb a prison house. And Swami calls taking a material birth a miserable condition. The Odin temple is to solve this problem.

Swami: "The person who has offered respects, bowing down before the Deity, will not come back to this world, because he will go directly to the abode of Krishna." (TNOD p75)

Krishnaism teaches us to bow down before the Krishna Deities in the temple room, by touching your head to the floor. Sometimes the men do dandavats to respect God, which is lying flat, face down, and arms stretched foward. Krishna is offering a great spiritual opportunity simply by touching your head to the Krishna temple floor. In odinism it seems that Odin does not want us to bow to him.

"A person who honors the prasada and regularly eats it, can achieve the results of pious activities which are obtained through ten thousand performances of sacrificial rites." (Padma Purana)

Our children will be eating food offered to Odin and Frigga and their souls will not have to reincarnate in a low dimension body like this again. Here is what good parents do. They give their children eternal spiritual life.

"A person who is constantly engaged in chanting the holy name and who feels transcendental pleasure, being engaged in devotional service, is certainly awarded the facilities of devotional service." (Adi Purana)

Devotional service is so important this scripture is saying that the reward is more opportunity for devotional service. Working for the temple is natural and working only for yourself is not natural. Working with spiritually advanced nordic people for the farm is exciting. We build our buildings one nail at a time and we build our membership one member at a time. With five-hundred nordic members, and five-hundred germanic visitors on weekends, we build our religious movement.

Swami: "Gauri means white woman, and Lord Shiva's wife is called Gauri. The beautiful women residing within the palaces of Krishna were so much whiter than Gauri that they were compared to the moonshine." (TNOD p177)

What happened to the white people of ancient India? God is a racialist; he created the different races racially. Nordic odinism teaches us to separate our nordic race from all other races to prevent race mixing. The other races practice violence, supremacy, and bigotry, against white people in white countries. The other races complain of white colonialism in the past but now their races are colonizing white countries.  

The Krishna devotees teach no illicit sex and the christians teach no adultery. To me this also means no interracial mating. The word adulterate is very similiar to the word adultery and means adding another substance making something poorer in quality. Our Creator made us nordic and illicit sex and adultery changes our race making our race poorer in quality. Interracial marriage used to be illegal which protected our race. Now our race is not protected with this law. Most of christianity takes race out of religion. Odinism keeps race in religion. 

Devotee: "I shall now begin my service of fanning Shri Krishna, who is seated on a golden throne. Now I shall give up my affection for my material body, which is nothing but a bunch of flesh and blood." (TNOD p386)

At the time of death we are forced to give up our affection for our material body. We need to be proactive in this matter, not reactive. The materialist did not prepare for death so he goes to the astral-spirit world and waits many years for another temporary body. The devotees of Odin have prepared for death and graduate from this low level of human life. We see a spiritual opportunity and take it.

Swami: "In this temple we are asking everyone, here is Krishna, always think of Krishna, chant Hare Krishna. Simply by chanting Hare Krishna mantra you become a devotee of Krishna." (ATD p32) (12/2/75) 

Instead of demons and materialists leading our race, we want devotees of Odin to lead our race. We should have already had a hundred all-nordic farm comunities in our countries with a temple of Odin and Frigga on each farm. The lack of spiritual and racial life in our race indicates that there might be allowed large earthchanges to happen again which destroys a world society. Instead of our race being led to death and reincarnation, we want to deliver our nordic race to the higher spiritual world.

Swami: "You do not know when you will die. At any moment you will die. Therefore before your next death you realize Krishna. This chanting of Hare Krishna is so important that you can always think that death is coming. Death is already coming, so let me chant." (ATD p33) (12/2/75)

The mud flood of 1812 destroyed the previous world society but their very large mansion buildings and star forts remained. The demons made a reset which means history destroyed and rewritten. We do not know if a mud flood will happen again. By taking to serious spiritual life we prepare for death. 

(question): "There are many incarnations, including Krishna." Swami: "Whose incarnation? God's. Incarnation means somebody's incarnation. So who is that somebody? That is Krishna." (ATD p188) (1/2/76)

Swami explains that there is one God and many incarnations from this one God. He is using the word Krishna as the name for God and saying that God is an individual person. We see Odin as an incarnation from God.

(question): "They said that if Chaitanya Mahaprabhu wanted Krishna consciousness in the Western countries, why didn't He go there Himself?" Swami: "So He left the credit for me. He loves His devotee more than Himself." (ATD p207) (1/4/76)

The fewer the number the greater the glory. 

Swami: "Any religious principle which denies the supremacy of the Personality of Godhead is not accepted and is called atheism." (TNOD p61)

We accept the supremacy of Odin, the Personality of Godhead. We accept this name, Odin, as our ancestors used this name for the name of God. We continue the tradition of the nordic race by calling God, Odin. We are loyal to the Norse God and we are loyal to our nordic race. 

Swami: "So this capital punishment is required. A murderer must be killed; no mercy. The king should be strict." (vaniquotes.com)

The soldiers should kill violent criminals by firing squad. That is their purpose, and to protect the border of the country. That is why there is so much crime. The armed forces stay on their bases doing nothing and the people suffer by being victims of crime. 

Murari Das: "There is one God with unlimited forms, and many gods with limited forms. All forms of God are the same person. When the word 'God' is used with a capital G, it is commonly referring to the one Supreme Being. When the word 'god' is used it often refers to lesser beings who have super powers." (quora.com/profile/Murari-Das-1)

Now we are learning that Odin is God with a capital G and not a demigod, and Frigga is Goddess with a capital G and not a demigoddess.

     "Krishna Radha Marching Chant"
     Krishna Radha left right left
     Krishna Radha left right left
     Left, left, left right left
     Krishna Radha left right left
     "Odin Frigga Marching Chant"

     Odin Frigga left right left
     Odin Frigga left right left
     Left, left, left right left
     Odin Frigga left right left 

Sanskrit mantras written in phonetic English:

oem namoe bogavatae vasoodaevieya

jie shree krishna chaetanya praboo nityananda
shree adwaeta gadadhar shreevasadee gaura bakta vrinda

noma oem vishnoo padaya krishna presthaya bootalee
shrimatee bakteevedanta swomee itee nominee

Odin is the Norse God
Frigga is the Norse Goddess
Odin and Frigga
The Viking King and Queen

Krishna Radha, Krishna Radha, Radha Radha, Krishna Krishna 

Vishnu Laxmi, Vishnu Laxmi, Laxmi Laxmi, Vishnu Vishnu

Odin Frigga, Odin Frigga, Frigga Frigga, Odin Odin